Graphics Work

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Open webOS contains a large quantity of graphical assets that are based at 72dpi, the original pixel density of the Touchpad in PNG-24 format. Most of these images reside in Luna, as part of the UI.

Unfortunately, the source files for these assets have not been open sourced.

Therefore, as we begin to port to devices that have higher pixel densities, we will require graphics of a much greater size to display clearly on these screens. In order to solve this requirement, we will need to recreate the existing ones in a scalable/future-proof format.

Specifications / Guidelines

What we have:

  • 1x size baseline: The existing graphic set is formatted for a 10-inch screen at 1024x768.

What we need right now:

  • 1.75x size for phones: For phones such as the GNex, we need graphics that are formatted for a 4-inch screen at 1280x800.
  • 2x size for future tablets: For future high-res tablets (as this is the direction the market is going), we need graphics that are formatted for a 10-inch screen at 2560x1600.

What should have for the future:

  • 4x size for future-proofing: As displays have recently doubled in size, what's to say they won't do the same again? Or perhaps Open webOS will be ported to something with a 4k screen in future? Naturally we don't know, so it's best to be safe and aim high.

What to do:

  • Each recreation must be exactly 4x the size of the original image and match the original as closely as possible in terms of style - consistency is vital if Open webOS is to look like a professional product.
    • Please bear in mind that most assets have some kind of alpha transparency (hence the requirement for PNG-24 assets) which can affect their final appearance in situ.
  • Current assets have been recreated in Photoshop or Illustrator. It is recommended that any work you do is in one of these two Adobe products, as it allows for interoperability at a later date if required.
    • If you are working in Photoshop, please draw all shapes as vectors and apply layer styles to each layer so that you are not working 'destructively' and so that your work can be easily transfered to another PSD if needed.
  • In terms of format, please provide both a resolution independent PSD/AI/EPS/SVG source file (if possible) and a 4x sized PNG-24 file.



When you start work on an asset, add it's filename and your username below. This way, we can coordinate and make sure people don't do unnecessary work.

When you finish work on a given asset, please mark it as complete, upload it's PNG to the wiki via Special:Upload and add it to the page along with a link to the PSD/SVG source file.

Note: Some image previews on this page may be smaller than the actual high resolution asset. Please be sure to grab the correct copy by clicking the image if needed.

Core Application image assets

There are several assets required for recreation in each of the Core Apps that come bundled with Open webOS. Please refer to each particular page for relevant assets:

Accounts App

Due to the lack of high-resolution graphical assets, we need to recreate the existing ones in a scalable/future-proof format.


This page represents those assets required to be remade for the Core Accounts app. The original set of images show the list of images to be recreated.

Before recreating any assets, please make sure you have familiarised yourself with the production specifications detailed on the Graphics_Work page. It is also worth checking that the asset that you are creating is still used and has not been deprecated. If you find it has, please list it at the top of this page.



When you start work on an asset, add it's filename and your username below. This way, we can coordinate and make sure people don't do unnecessary work.

When you finish work on a given asset, please mark it as complete, upload it's PNG to the wiki via Special:Upload and add it to the page along with a link to the PSD/SVG source file.

Note: Some image previews on this page may be smaller than the actual high resolution asset. Please be sure to grab the correct copy by clicking the image if needed.


Deprecated Graphics

The files listed below are believed to have been deprecated and are no longer in use. If you find any, please add them below.

Filename Deprecated by Confirmed by
Application Icon
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
icon.png Accounts-icon.png [email protected]
icon-256x256.png Accounts-icon-256x256.png [email protected]
General assets
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
icon-accounts.png Accounts-icon-accounts.png [email protected]
header-icon-accounts.png Accounts-header-icon-accounts.png [email protected]
accounts-48x48.png Accounts-48x48.png accounts-192x192.png
accounts-64x64.png Accounts-64x64.png accounts-256x256.png

Calculator App

Due to the lack of high-resolution graphical assets, we need to recreate the existing ones in a scalable/future-proof format.


This page represents those assets required to be remade for the Core Calculator app. The original set of images show the list of images to be recreated.

Before recreating any assets, please make sure you have familiarised yourself with the production specifications detailed on the Graphics_Work page. It is also worth checking that the asset that you are creating is still used and has not been deprecated. If you find it has, please list it at the top of this page.



When you start work on an asset, add it's filename and your username below. This way, we can coordinate and make sure people don't do unnecessary work.

When you finish work on a given asset, please mark it as complete, upload it's PNG to the wiki via Special:Upload and add it to the page along with a link to the PSD/SVG source file.

Note: Some image previews on this page may be smaller than the actual high resolution asset. Please be sure to grab the correct copy by clicking the image if needed.


Deprecated Graphics

The files listed below are believed to have been deprecated and are no longer in use. If you find any more, please add them below.

1x Filename 1x File Preview Deprecated by Confirmed by Reason
key-backspace.png Calc-key-backspace.png isandunk Replaced by one image containing both (backspace.png)
key-backspace-down.png Calc-key-backspace-down.png isandunk Replaced by one image containing both (backspace.png)
Application Icon
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
icon.png Calc-icon.png
icon-256x256.png Calc-icon-256x256.png
General assets
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
lcd-readout.png Calc-lcd-readout.png isandunk
key.png Calc-key.png [email protected] isandunk Complete Key@4x.png
key-operator.png Calc-key-operator.png [email protected] isandunk Complete Key-operator@4x.png
key-operator-down.png Calc-key-operator-down.png isandunk
key-down.png Calc-key-down.png isandunk
key-command.png Calc-key-command.png [email protected] isandunk Complete Key-command@4x.png
key-command-down.png Calc-key-command-down.png isandunk
calc-bg.png Calc-calc-bg.png isandunk
backspace.png Calc-backspace.png isandunk
backdrop.png Calc-backdrop.png [email protected] isandunk Complete Backdrop@4x.png

Calendar App

Due to the lack of high-resolution graphical assets, we need to recreate the existing ones in a scalable/future-proof format.


This page represents those assets required to be remade for the Core Calendar app. The original set of images show the list of images to be recreated.

Before recreating any assets, please make sure you have familiarised yourself with the production specifications detailed on the Graphics_Work page. It is also worth checking that the asset that you are creating is still used and has not been deprecated. If you find it has, please list it at the top of this page.



When you start work on an asset, add it's filename and your username below. This way, we can coordinate and make sure people don't do unnecessary work.

When you finish work on a given asset, please mark it as complete, upload it's PNG to the wiki via Special:Upload and add it to the page along with a link to the PSD/SVG source file.

Note: Some image previews on this page may be smaller than the actual high resolution asset. Please be sure to grab the correct copy by clicking the image if needed.


Deprecated Graphics

The files listed below are believed to have been deprecated and are no longer in use. If you find any more, please add them below.

Filename Deprecated by Confirmed by
General Assets
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
icon.png Cal-icon.png
icon-256x256.png Cal-icon-256x256.png
Application Icon
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
glossy-top-highlight.png Cal-glossy-top-highlight.png
header-icon-calendar.png Cal-header-icon-calendar.png
header-icon-calendar48x48.png Cal-header-icon-calendar48x48.png
icon-256x256.png Cal-icon-256x256.png
icon-48x48.png Cal-icon-48x48.png
icon.png Cal-icon.png
light_chrome_drop_shadow_footer.png Cal-light chrome drop shadow footer.png
light_chrome_drop_shadow_header.png Cal-light chrome drop shadow header.png
menu-icon-createNew.png Cal-menu-icon-createNew.png
menu-icon-day.png Cal-menu-icon-day.png
menu-icon-jumpTo.png Cal-menu-icon-jumpTo.png
menu-icon-month.png Cal-menu-icon-month.png
menu-icon-showToday.png Cal-menu-icon-showToday.png
menu-icon-week.png Cal-menu-icon-week.png
mypalm-32x32.png Cal-mypalm-32x32.png
notification-large-calendar.png Cal-notification-large-calendar.png

1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
icon-01.png Call-icon-01.png
icon-02.png Call-icon-02.png
icon-03.png Call-icon-03.png
icon-04.png Call-icon-04.png
icon-05.png Call-icon-05.png
icon-06.png Call-icon-06.png
icon-07.png Call-icon-07.png
icon-08.png Call-icon-08.png
icon-09.png Call-icon-09.png
icon-1.png Call-icon-1.png
icon-10.png Call-icon-10.png
icon-11.png Call-icon-11.png
icon-12.png Call-icon-12.png
icon-13.png Call-icon-13.png
icon-14.png Call-icon-14.png
icon-15.png Call-icon-15.png
icon-16.png Call-icon-16.png
icon-17.png Call-icon-17.png
icon-18.png Call-icon-18.png
icon-19.png Call-icon-19.png
icon-2.png Call-icon-2.png
icon-20.png Call-icon-20.png
icon-21.png Call-icon-21.png
icon-22.png Call-icon-22.png
icon-23.png Call-icon-23.png
icon-24.png Call-icon-24.png
icon-25.png Call-icon-25.png
icon-26.png Call-icon-26.png
icon-27.png Call-icon-27.png
icon-28.png Call-icon-28.png
icon-29.png Call-icon-29.png
icon-3.png Call-icon-3.png
icon-30.png Call-icon-30.png
icon-31.png Call-icon-31.png
icon-4.png Call-icon-4.png
icon-5.png Call-icon-5.png
icon-6.png Call-icon-6.png
icon-7.png Call-icon-7.png
icon-8.png Call-icon-8.png
icon-9.png Call-icon-9.png

Clock App

Due to the lack of high-resolution graphical assets, we need to recreate the existing ones in a scalable/future-proof format.


This page represents those assets required to be remade for the Core Clock app. The original set of images show the list of images to be recreated.

Before recreating any assets, please make sure you have familiarised yourself with the production specifications detailed on the Graphics_Work page. It is also worth checking that the asset that you are creating is still used and has not been deprecated. If you find it has, please list it at the top of this page.



When you start work on an asset, add it's filename and your username below. This way, we can coordinate and make sure people don't do unnecessary work.

When you finish work on a given asset, please mark it as complete, upload it's PNG to the wiki via Special:Upload and add it to the page along with a link to the PSD/SVG source file.

Note: Some image previews on this page may be smaller than the actual high resolution asset. Please be sure to grab the correct copy by clicking the image if needed.


Deprecated Graphics

The files listed below are believed to have been deprecated and are no longer in use. If you find any more, please add them below.

Filename Deprecated by Confirmed by
Application Icon
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
icon.png Clock-icon.png
icon-256x256.png Clock-icon-256x256.png
General assets
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
clockbg.png Clock-clockbg.png
Date_Flipper_Landscape.png Clock-Date Flipper Landscape.png
Date_Flipper_Portrait.png Clock-Date Flipper Portrait.png
digital_landscape_date_bg.png Clock-digital landscape date bg.png
digital_landscape_time_bg.png Clock-digital landscape time bg.png
digital_portrain_date_bg.png Clock-digital portrain date bg.png
digital_portrait_date_bg.png Clock-digital portrait date bg.png
digital_portrait_time_bg.png Clock-digital portrait time bg.png
Flipper_Landscape.png Clock-Flipper Landscape.png
Flipper_Portrait.png Clock-Flipper Portrait.png
glass-clockbg.png Clock-glass-clockbg.png
glass-hours.png Clock-glass-hours.png
glass-minutes.png Clock-glass-minutes.png
hours.png Clock-hours.png
icon-48.png Clock-icon-48.png
menu-icon-alarm.png Clock-menu-icon-alarm.png
menu-icon-clock.png Clock-menu-icon-clock.png
minutes.png Clock-minutes.png
notification-alarm-small.png Clock-notification-alarm-small.png
seconds.png Clock-seconds.png

Contacts App

Due to the lack of high-resolution graphical assets, we need to recreate the existing ones in a scalable/future-proof format.


This page represents those assets required to be remade for the Core Contacts app. The original set of images show the list of images to be recreated.

Before recreating any assets, please make sure you have familiarised yourself with the production specifications detailed on the Graphics_Work page. It is also worth checking that the asset that you are creating is still used and has not been deprecated. If you find it has, please list it at the top of this page.



When you start work on an asset, add it's filename and your username below. This way, we can coordinate and make sure people don't do unnecessary work.

When you finish work on a given asset, please mark it as complete, upload it's PNG to the wiki via Special:Upload and add it to the page along with a link to the PSD/SVG source file.

Note: Some image previews on this page may be smaller than the actual high resolution asset. Please be sure to grab the correct copy by clicking the image if needed.


Deprecated Graphics

The files listed below are believed to have been deprecated and are no longer in use. If you find any more, please add them below.

1x Filename 1x File Preview Deprecated by Confirmed by Reason
eas-32x32.png Contacts-mock-eas-32x32.png Herrie Used for mock up data

gmail-32x32.png Contacts-mock-gmail-32x32.png Herrie Used for mock up data
mypalm-32x32.png Contacts-mock-mypalm-32x32.png Herrie Used for mock up data
yahoo-32x32.png Contacts-mock-yahoo-32x32.png Herrie Used for mock up data
hamster.jpg Contacts-mock-hamster.jpg Herrie Used for mock up data
mitch.jpg Contacts-mock-mitch.jpg Herrie Used for mock up data
monkey.jpg Contacts-mock-monkey.jpg Herrie Used for mock up data
rabbit.jpg Contacts-mock-rabbit.jpg Herrie Used for mock up data
sheep.jpg Contacts-mock-sheep.jpg Herrie Used for mock up data
snowboarder.jpg Contacts-mock-snowboarder.jpg Herrie Used for mock up data

Application Icon
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
icon.png Contacts-icon.png
icon-256x256.png Contacts-icon-256x256.png
General assets
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
bg_avatar_mask.png Contacts-bg avatar mask.png
bg_body.png Contacts-bg body.png
bg_details.png Contacts-bg details.png
bg_details_input_skype.png Contacts-bg details input skype.png
bg_edit_avatar_add.png Contacts-bg edit avatar add.png
bg_edit_favorite.png Contacts-bg edit favorite.png
bg_edit_mask.png Contacts-bg edit mask.png
bg_edit_prefix.png Contacts-bg edit prefix.png
bg_favorite.png Contacts-bg favorite.png
bg_favorites_icon_mask.png Contacts-bg favorites icon mask.png
bg_field_new.png Contacts-bg field new.png
bg_icon_mask.png Contacts-bg icon mask.png
bg_list_favorite.png Contacts-bg list favorite.png
bg_prefix.png Contacts-bg prefix.png
btn_edit.png Contacts-btn edit.png
btn_linked_profiles.png Contacts-btn linked profiles.png
btn_prefix.png Contacts-btn prefix.png
btn_share.png Contacts-btn share.png
contacts-by-webos.png Contacts-contacts-by-webos.png
defaultview-panel-tile.png x75
details-button-press.png Contacts-details-button-press.png
details-button.png Contacts-details-button.png
favorites-star-blue.png Contacts-favorites-star-blue.png
first-launch-contacts.png Contacts-first-launch-contacts.png
global-search-list-photo-avatar.png Contacts-global-search-list-photo-avatar.png
header-icon-contacts-48x48.png Contacts-header-icon-contacts-48x48.png
header-icon-contacts.png Contacts-header-icon-contacts.png
menu-icon-favorites.png Contacts-menu-icon-favorites.png
menu-icon-xapp-camera.png Contacts-menu-icon-xapp-camera.png
profiles-clip.png Contacts-profiles-clip.png

Email App

Core Accounts App Assets

Due to the lack of high-resolution graphical assets, we need to recreate the existing ones in a scalable/future-proof format.


This page represents those assets required to be remade for the Core Email app. The original set of images show the scale of this task.

Before recreating any assets, please make sure you have familiarised yourself with the production specifications detailed on the Graphics_Work page. It is also worth checking that the asset that you are creating is still used and has not been deprecated. If you find it has, please list it at the top of this page.



When you start work on an asset, add it's filename and your username below. This way, we can coordinate and make sure people don't do unnecessary work.

When you finish work on a given asset, please mark it as complete, upload it's PNG to the wiki via Special:Upload and add it to the page along with a link to the PSD/SVG source file.

Note: Some image previews on this page may be smaller than the actual high resolution asset. Please be sure to grab the correct copy by clicking the image if needed.


Deprecated Graphics

The files listed below are believed to have been deprecated and are no longer in use. If you find any more, please add them below.

Filename Deprecated by Confirmed by

Application Icon
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
icon.png Email-icon.png
icon-256x256.png Email-icon-256x256.png
General Assets
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
account-generic-small.png Email-account-generic-small.png
accounts-icon-favorite.png Email-accounts-icon-favorite.png
address-book-icon.png Email-address-book-icon.png
address-book.png Email-address-book.png
arrow-down.png Email-arrow-down.png
arrow-left.png Email-arrow-left.png
arrow-right.png Email-arrow-right.png
attachment-count-badge.png Email-attachment-count-badge.png
attachment-icon.png Email-attachment-icon.png
attachments-bg-tile.png Email-attachments-bg-tile.png
attachments_button.png Email-attachments button.png
body-background-sprite.png Email-body-background-sprite.png
bottom-fade-dark.png Email-bottom-fade-dark.png
bottom-fade.png Email-bottom-fade.png
btn_controls_play.png Email-btn controls play.png
button-menu.png Email-button-menu.png
cc_bcc_button_up.png Email-cc bcc button up.png
command-menu-bg.png Email-command-menu-bg.png
compose-attach-icon.png Email-compose-attach-icon.png
compose-background-shadow.png Email-compose-background-shadow.png
compose-priority-flag.png Email-compose-priority-flag.png
compose-subject-edit-bg.png Email-compose-subject-edit-bg.png
defaultview-panel-tile.png Email-defaultview-panel-tile.png
compose-subject-solid-bg.png Email-compose-subject-solid-bg.png
compose-view-bg-tile.png Email-compose-view-bg-tile.png
compose_left_shadow.png Email-compose left shadow.png
compose_right_shadow.png Email-compose right shadow.png
dashboard-unread.png Email-dashboard-unread.png
detail_avatar.png Email-detail avatar.png
divider-button.png Email-divider-button.png
dottedline_separator.png Email-dottedline separator.png
down-bg.png Email-down-bg.png
download-background.png Email-download-background.png
download-cancel.png Email-download-cancel.png
download-progress.png Email-download-progress.png
drawer_arrow.png Email-drawer arrow.png
edit-multiselect.png Email-edit-multiselect.png
email-badge.png Email-email-badge.png
email-by-webos.png Email-email-by-webos.png
email-header-bg.png Email-email-header-bg.png
email-invite-event.png Email-email-invite-event.png
email-readview-subject.png Email-email-readview-subject.png
email-status-forwarded.png Email-email-status-forwarded.png
email-status-replied.png Email-email-status-replied.png
email-to-overlay.png Email-email-to-overlay.png
email_header_dropshadow.png Email-email header dropshadow.png
email_switcher_arrows.png Email-email switcher arrows.png
email_switcher_arrows_down.png Email-email switcher arrows down.png
empty-scene-email-icon.png Email-empty-scene-email-icon.png
flag-message-icon.png Email-flag-message-icon.png
Flag.png Email-Flag.png
flag_stamp.png Email-flag stamp.png
flag_toggle.png Email-flag toggle.png
folder-drafts.png Email-folder-drafts.png
folder-favorite-allinboxes.png Email-folder-favorite-allinboxes.png
folder-favorite-normal.png Email-folder-favorite-normal.png
folder-inbox.png Email-folder-inbox.png
folder-junk.png Email-folder-junk.png
folder-outbox.png Email-folder-outbox.png
folder-sent.png Email-folder-sent.png
folder-single-open.png Email-folder-single-open.png
folder-trash.png Email-folder-trash.png
header-divider-dropshadow.png Email-header-divider-dropshadow.png
header-icon-email-48x48.png Email-header-icon-email-48x48.png
header-print-icon.png Email-header-print-icon.png
header-send-icon.png Email-header-send-icon.png
header-warning-icon.png Email-header-warning-icon.png
header_chrome_tile.png Email-header chrome tile.png
highlight-bg.png Email-highlight-bg.png
icon-256x256.png Email-icon-256x256.png
icon-48.png Email-icon-48.png
icon-all-inboxes-new.png Email-icon-all-inboxes-new.png
icon-delete.png Email-icon-delete.png
icon-forward.png Email-icon-forward.png
icon-move-to-folder.png Email-icon-move-to-folder.png
icon-new-email.png Email-icon-new-email.png
icon-reply-all.png Email-icon-reply-all.png
icon-reply.png Email-icon-reply.png
icon-sync.png Email-icon-sync.png
icon.png Email-icon.png
icon_download.png Email-icon download.png
icon_generic_attch.png Email-icon generic attch.png
icon_image.png Email-icon image.png
icon_music.png Email-icon music.png
icon_pdf.png Email-icon pdf.png
icon_ppt.png Email-icon ppt.png
icon_txt.png Email-icon txt.png
icon_unknown.png Email-icon unknown.png
icon_vcard.png Email-icon vcard.png
icon_video.png Email-icon video.png
icon_word.png Email-icon word.png
icon_xls.png Email-icon xls.png
inbox-header-chrome.png Email-inbox-header-chrome.png
invite-icon-accept.png Email-invite-icon-accept.png
invite-icon-decline.png Email-invite-icon-decline.png
invite-icon-maybe.png Email-invite-icon-maybe.png
light_chrome_drop_shadow_footer.png Email-light chrome drop shadow footer.png
light_chrome_drop_shadow_header.png Email-light chrome drop shadow header.png
list-cal-invite.png Email-list-cal-invite.png
list-error.png Email-list-error.png
list-flagged.png Email-list-flagged.png
list-forward.png Email-list-forward.png
list-header-gradient.png Email-list-header-gradient.png
list-priority-flagged.png Email-list-priority-flagged.png
list-reply-forward.png Email-list-reply-forward.png
list-reply.png Email-list-reply.png
list-unread-flagged.png Email-list-unread-flagged.png
list-unread-priority-flagged.png Email-list-unread-priority-flagged.png
list-unread.png Email-list-unread.png
loading-bg.png Email-loading-bg.png
Mail-2-1a-256.png Email-Mail-2-1a-256.png
menu-icon-attach.png Email-menu-icon-attach.png
menu-icon-compose.png Email-menu-icon-compose.png
menu-icon-delete.png Email-menu-icon-delete.png
menu-icon-forward-email.png Email-menu-icon-forward-email.png
menu-icon-reply-all.png Email-menu-icon-reply-all.png
menu-icon-reply.png Email-menu-icon-reply.png
menu-icon-send.png Email-menu-icon-send.png
menu-icon-sync.png Email-menu-icon-sync.png
mini_priority_stamp_overlay.png Email-mini priority stamp overlay.png
more-menu-icon.png Email-more-menu-icon.png
msg-avatar-unclipped-well.png Email-msg-avatar-unclipped-well.png
multi-select-header.png Email-multi-select-header.png
next-email-icon.png Email-next-email-icon.png
notification-large-generic.png Email-notification-large-generic.png
notification-small.png Email-notification-small.png
offline.png Email-offline.png
online.png Email-online.png
othermail32.png Email-othermail32.png
palm-divider-arrow.png Email-palm-divider-arrow.png
palm-divider-collapse-left.png Email-palm-divider-collapse-left.png
paper_page_texture.png Email-paper page texture.png
previous-email-icon.png Email-previous-email-icon.png
priority_stamp_overlay.png Email-priority stamp overlay.png
profile_pic_container.png Email-profile pic container.png
read_view_top_texture.png Email-read view top texture.png
recipient-atom.png Email-recipient-atom.png
selection-checkmark.png Email-selection-checkmark.png
selection-gradient-default.png Email-selection-gradient-default.png
square-button-sprite.png Email-square-button-sprite.png
star.png Email-star.png
sync-activity-animation-1character.png Email-sync-activity-animation-1character.png
sync-activity-animation-2characters.png Email-sync-activity-animation-2characters.png
sync-activity-animation-3characters.png Email-sync-activity-animation-3characters.png
sync-activity-animation-4characters.png Email-sync-activity-animation-4characters.png
top-fade-dark.png Email-top-fade-dark.png
top-fade.png Email-top-fade.png
top_of_list_search.png Email-top of list search.png
torn-paper-effect-tile.png Email-torn-paper-effect-tile.png

Icons (folder)
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?

toolbar-icon-bovine.png Emailicon-toolbar-icon-bovine.png
toolbar-icon-delete.png Emailicon-toolbar-icon-delete.png
toolbar-icon-forward.png Emailicon-toolbar-icon-forward.png
toolbar-icon-moveto.png Emailicon-toolbar-icon-moveto.png
toolbar-icon-multi-delete.png Emailicon-toolbar-icon-multi-delete.png
toolbar-icon-multi-flag.png Emailicon-toolbar-icon-multi-flag.png
toolbar-icon-multi-moveto.png Emailicon-toolbar-icon-multi-moveto.png
toolbar-icon-multiselect.png Emailicon-toolbar-icon-multiselect.png
toolbar-icon-new.png Emailicon-toolbar-icon-new.png
toolbar-icon-reply.png Emailicon-toolbar-icon-reply.png
toolbar-icon-replyall.png Emailicon-toolbar-icon-replyall.png

Notes App

Due to the lack of high-resolution graphical assets, we need to recreate the existing ones in a scalable/future-proof format.


This page represents those assets required to be remade for the Core Calendar app. The original set of images show the list of images to be recreated.

Before recreating any assets, please make sure you have familiarised yourself with the production specifications detailed on the Graphics_Work page. It is also worth checking that the asset that you are creating is still used and has not been deprecated. If you find it has, please list it at the top of this page.



When you start work on an asset, add it's filename and your username below. This way, we can coordinate and make sure people don't do unnecessary work.

When you finish work on a given asset, please mark it as complete, upload it's PNG to the wiki via Special:Upload and add it to the page along with a link to the PSD/SVG source file.

Note: Some image previews on this page may be smaller than the actual high resolution asset. Please be sure to grab the correct copy by clicking the image if needed.


Deprecated Graphics

The files listed below are believed to have been deprecated and are no longer in use. If you find any more, please add them below.

Filename Deprecated by Confirmed by
Application Icon
1x Filename 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
General assets
1x Filename 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
edit (folder)
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
grid (folder)
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
search-input (folder)
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
title-bar (folder)
1x Filename 1x File Preview 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?


Deprecated Graphics

The files listed below are believed to have been deprecated and are no longer in use. If you find any more, please add them below. Note: It is not necessary to recreate the HP bootlogo, as we will be using the webOS-ports logo instead (see top-left of wiki.)

General UI

Filename Deprecated by Confirmed by
activity-indicator-32x32.png Isandunk
back-button.png Isandunk
dock-item-shadow-tile.png Isandunk
empty-launcher.png Isandunk
fade-arrow-down.png Isandunk
hp-logo.png Isandunk
hp-logo-bright.png Isandunk
loading-card-scrim.png Isandunk
menu-selection-gradient-last.png Isandunk
meta-move.png Isandunk
overlay-banner-bg.png Isandunk
popup-scrollfade-bottom.png Isandunk
quick_launch_highlight.png Isandunk
reorder-ripple.png Isandunk
search-bottom-fade.png Isandunk
search-icon-disabled.png Isandunk
search-pill.png Isandunk
search-pill-no-icon.png Isandunk


Filename Deprecated by
dropdown-bg-row-highlight.png Isandunk


Status Bar

1x Filename 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
appname-background.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Appname-background@4x.png No
bluetooth-connected.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Bluetooth-connected@4x.png Yes
bluetooth-connecting.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Bluetooth-connecting@4x.png Yes
bluetooth-error.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Bluetooth-error@4x.png Yes
bluetooth-on.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Bluetooth-on@4x.png Yes
icon-mute.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Icon-mute@4x.png Yes
icon-mute-off.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Icon-mute-off@4x.png Yes
icon-rotation-lock.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Icon-rotation-lock@4x.png Yes
icon-rotation-lock-off.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Icon-rotation-lock-off@4x.png Yes
brightness-less.png [email protected] Isandunk WIP Brightness-less@4x.png No
brightness-more.png [email protected] Isandunk WIP 75px No
call-forward.png [email protected] Isandunk WIP 75px No
hac.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Hac@4x.png No
icon-airplane.png [email protected] Isandunk WIP Icon-airplane@4x.png No
icon-airplane-off.png [email protected] Isandunk WIP Icon-airplane-off@4x.png No
battery-0.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-0@4x.png Yes
battery-1.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-1@4x.png Yes
battery-2.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-2@4x.png Yes
battery-3.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-3@4x.png Yes
battery-4.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-4@4x.png Yes
battery-5.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-5@4x.png Yes
battery-6.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-6@4x.png Yes
battery-7.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-7@4x.png Yes
battery-8.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-8@4x.png Yes
battery-9.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-9@4x.png Yes
battery-10.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-10@4x.png Yes
battery-11.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-11@4x.png Yes
battery-charged.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charged@4x.png Yes
battery-charging-0.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charging-0@4x.png Yes
battery-charging-1.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charging-1@4x.png Yes
battery-charging-2.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charging-2@4x.png Yes
battery-charging-3.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charging-3@4x.png Yes
battery-charging-4.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charging-4@4x.png Yes
battery-charging-5.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charging-5@4x.png Yes
battery-charging-6.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charging-6@4x.png Yes
battery-charging-7.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charging-7@4x.png Yes
battery-charging-8.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charging-8@4x.png Yes
battery-charging-9.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charging-9@4x.png Yes
battery-charging-10.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charging-10@4x.png Yes
battery-charging-11.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-charging-11@4x.png Yes
battery-error.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Battery-error@4x.png Yes
network-1x-active.png [email protected]
network-1x-connected.png [email protected]
network-1x-dormant.png [email protected]
network-3g-active [email protected]
network-3g-connected.png [email protected]
network-3g-dormant.png [email protected]
network-edge-connected.png [email protected]
network-edge-active.png [email protected]
network-evdo-connected.png [email protected]
network-evdo-active.png [email protected]
network-evdo-dormant.png [email protected]
network-gprs-active.png [email protected]
network-gprs-connected.png [email protected]
network-hsdpa-active.png [email protected]
network-hsdpa-connected.png [email protected]
network-hsdpa-plus-connected.png [email protected]
network-roaming-triangle.png [email protected]
network-roaming.png [email protected]
network-umts-active.png [email protected]
network-umts-connected.png [email protected]
network-lte-connected.png [email protected]
network-lte-active.png [email protected]
network-lte-dormant.png [email protected]

rssi-flightmode.png [email protected]
rssi-0.png [email protected]
rssi-1.png [email protected]
rssi-1x-0.png [email protected]
rssi-1x-1.png [email protected]
rssi-1x-2.png [email protected]
rssi-1x-3.png [email protected]
rssi-1x-4.png [email protected]
rssi-1x-5.png [email protected]
rssi-2.png [email protected]
rssi-3.png [email protected]
rssi-3G-0.png [email protected]
rssi-3G-1.png [email protected]
rssi-3G-2.png [email protected]
rssi-3G-3.png [email protected]
rssi-3G-4.png [email protected]
rssi-3G-5.png [email protected]
rssi-4.png [email protected]
rssi-5.png [email protected]
rssi-error.png [email protected]
rssi-ev-0.png [email protected]
rssi-ev-1.png [email protected]
rssi-ev-2.png [email protected]
rssi-ev-3.png [email protected]
rssi-ev-4.png [email protected]
rssi-ev-5.png [email protected]
rssi-flightmode.png [email protected]
rssi-lte-0.png [email protected]
rssi-lte-1.png [email protected]
rssi-lte-2.png [email protected]
rssi-lte-3.png [email protected]
rssi-lte-4.png [email protected]
rssi-lte-5.png [email protected]
slider-handle.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Slider-handle@4x.png No
slider-track.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Slider-track@4x.png No
slider-track-progress.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Slider-track-progress@4x.png No
status-bar-background.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Status-bar-background@4x.png No
status-bar-menu-dropdown-tab.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Status-bar-menu-dropdown-tab@4x.png No
status-bar-menu-dropdown-tab-pressed.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Status-bar-menu-dropdown-tab-pressed@4x.png No
status-bar-separator.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Status-bar-separator@4x.png No
system-menu-lock.png [email protected]
system-menu-popup-item-checkmark.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete System-menu-popup-item-checkmark@4x.png No
tty.png [email protected]
vpn-status-icon.png [email protected]
wifi-0.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Wifi-0@4x.png Yes
wifi-1.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Wifi-1@4x.png Yes
wifi-2.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Wifi-2@4x.png Yes
wifi-3.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Wifi-3@4x.png Yes
wifi-connecting.png [email protected]

Screen Lock

1x Filename 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?

screen-lock-clock-0.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-clock-0@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-clock-1.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-clock-1@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-clock-2.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-clock-2@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-clock-3.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-clock-3@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-clock-4.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-clock-4@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-clock-5.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-clock-5@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-clock-6.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-clock-6@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-clock-7.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-clock-7@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-clock-8.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-clock-8@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-clock-9.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-clock-9@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-clock-colon.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-clock-colon@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-clock-decimal.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-clock-decimal@4x.png Yes
Screen-lock-incoming-call-off.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-incoming-call-off@4x.png Yes
Screen-lock-incoming-call-on.png [email protected] Isandunk In progress Screen-lock-incoming-call-on@4x.png Yes
Screen-lock-padlock-off.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Screen-lock-padlock-off@4x.png Yes
Screen-lock-padlock-on.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Screen-lock-padlock-on@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-target-scrim.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Screen-lock-target-scrim@4x.png Yes
screen-lock-wallpaper-mask-bottom.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Screen-lock-wallpaper-mask-bottom@4x.png Yes

General UI

1x Filename 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
activity-indicator-32x32.png activity-indicator-128x128.png Appstache Drafting (awaiting upload) No
activity-progress.png [email protected] Appstache Drafting (awaiting upload) No
activity-spinner.png [email protected] Appstache Drafting (awaiting upload) No
activity-static.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Activity-static@4x.png Yes
default-app-icon.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Default-app-icon@4x.png Yes
empty-launcher.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Empty-launcher@4x.png Yes
fullscreen-play-button.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Fullscreen-play-button@4x.png Yes
loading-strip.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Loading-strip@4x.png Yes

normal-bg.png [email protected] (WARNING: 10MB file) Isandunk Complete Normal-bg@4x.png Yes
overlay-banner-bg.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete (Deprecated) Overlay-banner-bg@4x.png Yes
penindicator-ripple.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Penindicator-ripple@4x.png Yes
popup-bg.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Popup-bg@4x.png Yes
scrim.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Scrim@4x.png Yes
search-field-bg-launcherx.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Search-field-bg-launcher@4x.png Yes
search-button-launcherx.png [email protected] Appstache Complete Search-button-launcher@4x.png Yes
search-pill.png [email protected] Appstache Complete (Obsolete) Search-pill@4x.png Yes
spinner.png [email protected] Appstache Drafting 75px No
warning-icon.png [email protected] 75px No
warning-system.png [email protected] 75px No
wm-corner-bottom-left [email protected] Isandunk Complete Wm-corner-bottom-left@4x.png Yes
wm-corner-bottom-right [email protected] Isandunk Complete Wm-corner-bottom-right@4x.png Yes
wm-corner-top-left [email protected] Isandunk Complete Wm-corner-top-left@4x.png Yes
wm-corner-top-right [email protected] Isandunk Complete Wm-corner-top-right@4x.png Yes


1x Filename 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?

button-black.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Button-black@4x.png No
button-black-press.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Button-black-press@4x.png No
button-green.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Button-green@4x.png No
button-green-press.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Button-green-press@4x.png No
icon-delete.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Icon-delete@4x.png Yes
password-lock-field.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Password-lock-field@4x.png Yes
pin-grid.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Pin-grid@4x.png Yes
pin-key-highlight.png [email protected] Isandunk Complete Pin-key-highlight@4x.png Yes

Application icons

Generic items

Name Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs? PhotoShop (PSD)/Illustrator (AI) source
Application icon generic background isandunk Complete WebOS-app-icon-background.png N/A
Settings icon generic background isandunk Complete WebOS-settings-background.png N/A

Memos / Notes

1x Filename 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
icon.png [email protected] isandunk Complete Memos-icon@4x.png No
icon-256x256.png [email protected] isandunk Complete Memos-icon-256x256@4x.png No


1x Filename 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
icon.png [email protected] virox Complete Preware-icon@4x.png ?


1x Filename 4x Filename Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?
icon.png [email protected]

New/Custom Work

Since we'll probably be adding/reimplementing things in the long-run, we're going to be needing some brand new graphics. Requests (new and finished) go here.

Filename Description Assigned to Status File preview In rootfs?

ports-logo-normal.png The webOS Ports logo, for use on the bootscreen. Appstache Complete Ports-logo-normal.png No
ports-logo-glow.png The webOS Ports logo, for use on the bootscreen. (Glowing) Appstache Complete Ports-logo-glow.png No
emoticon-frown.png Smiley- :( No
emoticon-cry.png Smiley- :'( No
emoticon-smile.png Smiley- :) No
emoticon-wink.png Smiley- ;) No
emoticon-yuck.png Smiley- :P No
emoticon-gasp.png Smiley- :O No
emoticon-heart.png Smiley- <3 No